Vitoria, a city of lakes

Gasteiz is not on the sea, and for many Vitoria natives, this is the only thing that keeps the city from being the model of perfection. In exchange, the city is surrounded by a green ring and wetlands in the outskirts measuring 206 hectares of priceless ecological value. Each spring and summer, thousands of migratory birds stop here on their long journeys.  

Salburua is a star attraction for bird watchers and a great place to go for a bike ride. It’s relatively easy to come across some of the deer that live inside it and, with a bit of luck, you can also spot an occasional European mink.    

Just a few kilometers from Vitoria is the Ullibarri-Gamboa reservoir. For many people from Álava, this reservoir is synonymous with going to the beach, and you can get there in an hour by bike! The Vitoria reservoir supplies water to Vitoria and the Bilbao Metropolitan Area and has several blue-flag beaches. In Garaio Park, you can go kayaking, standup paddle boarding and participate in various other water sports.